Master Clean

Fill Your Home With Natural Fragrances

Pets, sports socks, cooking smells, even traffic exhaust can penetrate your home and leave lingering unpleasant odors. Commercial air fresheners are full of chemicals that are dangerous to curios little fingers and paws. Many people also experience stinging eyes and breathing problems with commercial sprays, gels and plug-in room fresheners. We recommend natural alternatives, which […]

Germ-Proofing Your Home

Keeping your house clean can help keep your family and friends healthy. Cold and flu germs are everywhere this time of year, including in your home. Germs don’t stay outside when people come in. Like dirt on the puppy’s paws, germs and viruses are carried in the door innocently. Even before people start to feel […]

The Best Solution

There are so many cleaning products to choose from, how do you know which to select? There are degreasers, detergents, acids, bases… Picking the right cleaning product starts with understanding your particular cleaning challenge. Then it’s a matter of knowing your options. Masterclean has decades of experience selecting from hundreds of products used for thousands […]